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This is the fifth in a series of daily reflections on the Christian Season of Advent. Click on the Advent Reflections category in the sidebar to see the complete the series.

The video clip below is an excellent two-minute explanation of the meaning of Advent.  It’s fun to watch.  In my part of the Christian Church we use blue rather than purple for Advent.  So when you see the purple candles in this video – many of us use blue ones!  The blue represents the expectant new day – it is the blue of the sky before dawn. I hope you enjoy this video as much as I did.  Thanks to David Lose for sharing this.

Today’s reading is from Matthew 7:21-27 (click on this link to see the full text)

Have we prepared for the inevitable storms of life?

The hurricane is coming

The hurricane is coming

The waves are building as the storm approaches

The waves are building as the storm approaches

Storm in the bay

Storm in the bay

As the storm moves away the sun rises on another glorious day

As the storm moves away the sun rises on another glorious day

The reading today is somewhat difficult.  Jesus quite dramatically says we need to hear his teaching and to lead a new life.  If we do, Jesus says, we are like someone who built his house on a solid foundation and it survived a natural disaster.  If we fail to hear and respond we are like the person who built his house on sand, and the house was washed away.  I think the message is about faith.  If our faith is strong we will be transformed and be able to withstand the storms of this life – if it is too weak, we may give in to despair when we face turmoil.

So during this Advent we can be comforted and strengthened by listening to Jesus’s teaching and reflecting on what that means to the way we live our lives.

Click on the Advent Reflections category in the sidebar to see the complete the series.